4188 Papers read before the XXth Irish Conference of Historians Magee College,
University of Ulster 6-8 June 1991. €30.00.
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Men, Women and War by T.G. Fraser 1
The Remonstrance Revisited: England and Ireland in the Early Fourteenth Century by J.R.S. Phillips 13
Military Coup d’Etat and Army Mutinies in England, 1648-1649 by Brian Manning 28
The French Midi (Languedoc and Provence) and Royal Troops, 1600-1660 by René Pillorget 56
‘a weapon of war yet untried’: Irish Catholics and the Armed Forces of the Crown, 1760-1830 by Thomas Bartlett 66
Napoleon’s Wars: the Parliamentary Dimension by Irene Collins 86
Equality and the Threat of War in Scandinavia, 1884-1905 by Ida Blom 100
Social Identity in War: France, 1914-1918 by John Horne 119
The Great War in Modern Irish Memory by Keith Jeffery 136
Army, Politics and Society in Independent Ireland, 1923-1945 by Eunan O’Halpin 158
Hitler’s Haltbefehl before Dunkirk: a Military or Political Decision? By Jean Stengers 175
Embattled Femininity: Canadian Womanhood and the Second World War by Ruth Roach Pierson 195
Hopes Frustrated: the Impact of the Korean War upon Britain’s Relations with Communist China, 1950-1953 by Peter Lowe 211
Vietnam: the War America Tried to Lose? by Stephen G. Rabe 227